Train pictures from Wadley, GA part 2

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Wadley freight station in 1947

This is the Wadley freight station as it appeared in 1947.

Nancy Hanks at Wadley station in 1948

One of the highlights of the day was the arrival of the Nancy Hanksat the station in Wadley. Looks like a good crowd waiting at the depot. This series of photos was taken in 1948 from the platform of the freight station.

Nancy Hanks at Wadley

This is another composite of two pictures.

Central of Georgia engine 801 EMD E7

The Nancy Hanks continues its morning run to Macon and eventually Atlanta. Engine 801 is an EMD E7.

Jim and I on an REA wagon

In March 1949, my cousin Jimmy and I posed for pictures on the Railway Express baggage cart.

Southern Railway Extra 3927 West stops by the depot at Wadley, Georgia in 1975

Wadley, GA was not quite half way between Macon and Savannah on the old Central of Georgia. That honor went to appropriately named Midville eleven miles further east. On November 19, 1975 Extra 3927 West has stopped in downtown Wadley. You'll notice that the second story has disappeared from the station. I am on the platform of the old freight house very near the place where my grandfather took his picture in 1948. The bridge over the tracks toward the rear of the train is the bypass that routes US 1 around Wadley.

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